
Friday, June 3

Greetings Earthlings

I think I jumped into this blog thing a bit prematurely. No introductions? No "hi nice to meet you"? Nah, I just started with a BAM! EAT MY FOOD!

So let's do this the right way...

Hi, my name is Holly.

I love to cook.

I have been reading too many a lot of food blogs recently. I have such a profound appreciation for these ladies (and gents) and all the amazing work they put into their blogs. I am by no means a writer, a chef, or a photographer. But I enjoy doing all of the above, so I figure this will be a nice little outlet for me to work on my skills, and let you laugh at me watch me take this little journey.

About me:

  • I'm a nurse.
  • I work nightshift (and therefore do most of my cooking/baking/eating at night).
  • This does not make for the best food photography, but I'll do my best.
  • I'm a newlywed.
  • I'm completely and utterly in love with my best friend and am thrilled that we get to spend our lives together.  *cough*sappy*cough*
  • My husband and I bought our first house a year ago...and we're still attempting to put our personal touches on it. 
  • I'm an only child. 
  • No, I wasn't one of those spoiled kids. But I would consider my folks to be 2 of my best friends, so I guess that makes me a little spoiled. I know not everyone is that blessed. 
  • I have recently begun running, but we'll save that for another entry. 

Now I know that most blogs have a "theme." Be it baking, healthy living, vegan, gluten free, running, whatever. Well I guess I'm going to be one of those "whatever" blogs. I try to live a healthy life, but lets face it, I cheat. A lot. I try to exercise. Sometimes I, um, forget? I don't follow any specific diets. I bake, I cook. I like a little bit of everything in my life! So please enjoy my whatever-blog! I hope it isn't too haphazard for your liking. Thanks for stopping by!